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industrial 3d scanner

Industrial Applications:

Direct Imaging Lithography,
Spatial Light Modulator (SLM),
Laser Marking and Repair Systems,
Computer-to-Plate Printers,
Rapid Prototyping Machines and 3D Printers,
3D Scanners for Machine Vision and Quality Control,

medical projector

Medical Applications:

Phototherapy Devices,
Vascular Imaging,
Hyperspectral Imaging,
3D Scanners for Limb and Skin measurement,
Confocal Microscopes,
Surgical Microscopes,

projector display

Display Applications:

3D Imaging Microscopes,
Compressive Sensing,
Intelligent and Adaptive Lighting,
Augmented Reality and Information Overlay,
Near to eye (NTE),
HUD Systems,
Cinema Projectors,
Soft- and Hardware vor VR and AR Technology
